Why keep a tarot journal: for readers and querents 📔🖋
Journaling can be hard work to some, but therapeutic to most-- but importantly it serves it's purpose to record feelings, thoughts, memories, discoveries and reflections.
All I can say is that keeping a tarot journal has been super useful for me. I have 2 different journals, one for personal pulls and the other for learning tarot. While I might not be consistent in putting in entries, it helps me develop and tap in more to my craft and spirituality.
If you've been thinking of starting a tarot journal, then here are more reasons to why you should do it!
(PS. I have a lot of time journaling while in the hospital, something that I couldn't do when I'm at home because I'm always too busy and unfocused, but this made me get back to the flow so yay!! Also, and most importantly, please don't buy bootleg decks JUST to journal, if you have old ones that you don't use anymore then I guess it's good to be resourceful and creative with them. It might seem like a cheap option to buy the fake ones to stick in your journal... but let's please not 🤗😅)
Feel free to share your tarot journaling experience on the comments below! Show your support by bookmarking and sharing the post!
Love, Lulu ✨
